As art production manager for three encyclopedia titles, I scheduled, trained, did layout and edited images.
In the Sports Group I managed art production for three sports encyclopedia CD's. We hit every deadline and shipped each title on time. I tracked the status of thousands of images and trained a team of three to photo edit and layout each image.
I was art production manager for three Microsoft sports games. I managed seven 3D artists, advised on equipment purchase and reported on outside vendors. I managed all of the 3D art for the Soccer, Basketball and Baseball games. The team beta tested the conversion of SoftImage from SGI to PC during this time.
I was brought on to the Soccer project when no deadlines were being met. As production manager I was able to bring the project back on schedule and get the team working from the same page for the first time. Soon we were hitting all of our deadlines. I modeled, textured, edited motion capture and created the palette and texture system used on the players.
We developed Full Court Press with programmers based in Australia. I managed the character creation, which was being done off-site. My internal team built the stadiums and edited the motion capture data incorporated in the game. I modeled, textured and edited motion capture.
On 3D Baseball we teamed with an external developer in Bellevue to create the game. I led the art team. I outsourced the stadium geometry to a company in L.A. We textured the stadiums internally. I managed the motion capture editing and the character creation. I modeled and textured stadiums and edited motion capture.
I came back to the Microsoft Sports Group in 2003 to work on NHL Rivals. I teamed with a programmer and created the first 3D audience in any sports game. I modeled, textured, animated and positioned the audience for each team stadium.